Lewis Porter, (Lewisporter.com), long known as a jazz educator (Ph.D. in music from Brandeis) and author of books including the most celebrated volume on John Coltrane, is also very active as a jazz pianist, keyboardist and composer. Known for a free and open attitude, he contributes to many types of musical situations. Dr. Porter has appeared in concert internationally with such masters as Dave Liebman, Ravi Coltrane, Judi Silvano with Joe Lovano, Jeff Coffin, Jane Ira Bloom, Wycliffe Gordon, Joe Morris, Marc Ribot, George Garzone, Mark Dresser, Gerry Hemingway, Alan Dawson, Gregg Bendian and many others. He is a regular member of the Indian-influenced quartet Dharma Jazz with Badal Roy (Dharmajazz.net). His three-movement concerto for saxophone and orchestra will be performed by Dave Liebman at Harvard on April 19, 2012. He has recorded three CDs for the Altrisuoni label--Second Voyage, Italian Encounter (live in Italy), and Transformation (duets with fellow pianist and Berklee professor Marc Rossi); and he appears on the Dharma Jazz CD Just Four, the duo CD with clarinetist and NJIT Professor David Rothenberg, and on the Liebman/Marc Ribot quintet CD (Enja, Fall 2012). The critics have said that Porter is “A helluva piano player” (Jazz Times). "Mixing experimental with traditional, [he] plays up a storm." (Midwest Record) “Porter is a deep thinker.” (Swing Journal). His music is “founded upon depth and cunning use of space" (ejazznews.com). Porter was nominated for a liner-note Grammy in 1996. You can follow his occasional blog of his new jazz research here.