Jazz History Database Global Contributor Project
Jazz is a universal language
The Jazz History Database Global Contributor Project empowers correspondents around the world to contribute content to the JHDB's online museum and preserve important jazz history well beyond New England.
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Featured Global Collections:
Jussi Reijonen (Finland)
Simone Gubiotti (Italy)
Maynard Ferguson (Canada)
Monty Alexander (Jamaica)
NY Jazz All Stars Touring Mexico (Mexico, USA)
Al Vaudreuil (USA)
Al Vaudreuil has been an active performing musician in the Central Ma. area over the last 45 years. He has worked in various bands touring the The US, Canada and Europe.
Dino Govoni (USA)
Undoubtedly, one of the most versatile contemporary saxophonists on the jazz scene is Dino Govoni. Govoni studied with two tenor sax greats, Jerry Bergonzi and George Garzone, and furthered his studies by attending Berklee College of Music.
Hal Mitchell (USA)
As a young trumpeter in Newark, NJ, Hal Mitchell began his professional career performing with stride pianist Donald Lambert. Venues included some speakeasies on Prince Street in Newark.
Azerbaijan And Baku (Azerbaijan)
Azərbaycan caz tarixinin 1930-cu illərdə başladığı ümumiyyətlə qəbul edilir, lakin çox keçmədən, fotoşəkillər, 1920-ci illərdə Bakıda oynayan Mixail Rolnikin rəhbərlik etdiyi Dixieland qrupunun işığına çıxdı.
It is generally accepted that Azerbaijani jazz history began in the 1930s but, not long ago, photographs came to light of a Dixieland band, led by Mikhail Rolnik, playing in Baku in the 1920s.
Gary Carner Interview with Bennie Maupin (USA)
In this incredible interview, author, historian and researcher Gary Carner covers many topics with Benny Maupin.
Duke Ellington Interviews Billy Strayhorn (USA)
This is an actual live recording of Duke Ellington conducting a comical "interview" with Billy Strayhorn! (1959)
Vlad West (Russia)
Vlad West, known in Russia as Vladimir Sermakashev, was a child prodigy. Born in Baku (Russia) he studied piano from age three and composition from age five.
Влад Вест, известный в России как Владимир Сермакашев, был вундеркиндом. Родился в Баку (Россия), учился игре на фортепиано с трех лет и композиции с пяти лет.
Chris Byers (USA)
Chris Byars is an award-winning saxophonist, composer, bandleader, conductor and educator based in New York City. As a private saxophone teacher for 30 years, Chris has served as a musical instructor for The New School, Jazz at Lincoln Center and the New York City Board of Education.
Eugenio Elias (Argentina, Mexico)
Eugenio Elias se graduó del Conservatorio de Nueva Inglaterra en 1985. Ha actuado con las principales orquestas sinfónicas de Argentina y México.
Eugenio Elias graduated from New England Conservatory in 1985. He has performed with the major symphony orchestras in Argentina and Mexico.
Joris Teepe (The Netherlands, USA)
JORIS TEEPE (contrabas en basgitaar) groeide op in Den Haag en woont sinds 1992 in New York.
Dutch born Joris Teepe graduated in 1991 from the Amsterdam Conservatory in The Netherlands and moved shortly thereafter to New York.
Ruth Weiss (USA)
She is the subject of a film called Ruth Weiss, the “beat goddess” by filmmaker Melody C. Miller. In a life that has spanned 92 creative years, Ruth Weiss is one often cited as one of the most influential writers of the Beat Generation.
Simone Gubbiotti (Italy, USA)
Il chitarrista Simone Gubbiotti è un musicista con una forte presenza sia negli Stati Uniti che in Europa.
Guitarist Simone Gubbiotti is a musician with a strong presence in both the USA and Europe.
Luis Bonilla (Costa Rica, Belgium & USA)
If ever an artist could be called an octopus, Luis Bonilla is it. The California raised, Costa Rican trombonist, composer and arranger has sought out, taken in and mastered an incredible array of musical styles.
Wenn jemals ein Künstler als Tintenfisch bezeichnet werden könnte, ist es Luis Bonilla. Der in Kalifornien aufgewachsene costaricanische Posaunist, Komponist und Arrangeur hat eine unglaubliche Vielfalt an Musikstilen gesucht, aufgenommen und gemeistert.
Eda And (Germany & Turkey)
Born in Izmir in 1988. She received her first piano lessons from her mother and had her first attempt at jazz with her double bass player father.
1988 in Izmir geboren. Ihren ersten Klavierunterricht erhielt sie von ihrer Mutter und ihren erste Jazz versuch hatte sie mit ihrem Kontrabassist Vater.
1988’de Izmir’de doğdu. İlk piyano derslerini annesinden aldı,ilk caz deneyimlerini kontrabasist babasıyla kazandı.
Cyril Moshkow (Russia)
Кирилл Мошков — музыкальный журналист, писатель, музыкант, главный редактор журнала «Джаз.Ру».
Kirill "Cyril" Moshkov is a music journalist, writer, musician, and editor-in-chief of the Jazz.Ru magazine.
Ahmed Abdullah (USA)
If ever an Ahmed Abdullah (born Leroy Bland), began playing the trumpet at age 13 in his native New York City. By the 1970s he was performing in New York's loft scene, and joined the Sun Ra Arkestra in 1976, working there on and off until 1993, when Sun Ra died.
Fawzi Chekili (Tunisia & Europe)
A Tunisian jazz guitarist, Fawzi Chekili also plays the piano and the oud.
Fawzi Chekili, guitariste de jazz tunisien, joue du piano et du oud.
Jim Eigo (USA)
Jim Eigo’s Jazz Promo Services continues its innovations in publicizing a countless number of important jazz artists, venues, concerts, labels and events. Ever since it was formed in 2001, Jazz Promo Services has been an important force in publicizing the music, events and news of the jazz world.
Michele Rosewoman (USA)
Born in Oakland, California, Michele Rosewoman studied jazz with pianist Ed Kelly. Later studies in percussion led her to ancient Caribbean folkloric idioms.
Mehdi Azaiez (Tunisia & France)
Guitarist, composer, was born and raised in Tunis, he started the guitar as a self-taught at 15, playing blues and Rock.
Guitariste, compositeur, est né et a grandi à Tunis, il commence la guitare en autodidacte à 15 ans, en jouant du blues et du Rock.
T. Dennis Brown (USA)
"My twin brother and I were born into a musical family, my paternal grandmother was a church organist and choir director in Brimfield, Massachusetts. My parents were members of our church choir and subsequently, my brother and I, and older sister sang in the children’s choir."
De Witte Jazz At The Club (The Netherlands)
Jazz at the Club is an initiative of a team consisting of jazz enthusiasts Ronald Blom and Robbert Coops, radio maker and columnist Paul Waayers and audio engineer and reviewer Marnix Bosman.
Jazz at the Club is een initiatief van een team bestaande uit de jazzliefhebbers Ronald Blom en Robbert Coops, radiomaker en columnist Paul Waayers en audiotechnicus en recensent Marnix Bosman.
Michael Benedict (USA)
Michael Benedict was born and raised in Rome, NY. He started playing the drums at age 10 and was performing professionally by age 15.
Yacine Boulares (France & Tunisia)
Yacine Boulares is a French-Tunisian saxophonist and composer based in Brooklyn.
Yacine Boulares est un saxophoniste et compositeur franco-tunisien basé à Brooklyn.
African American Jazz Caucus (USA)
The African American Jazz Caucus, Inc., is dedicated to protecting, preserving and perpetuating the rich cultural heritage and legacy of jazz, which is one of our indigenous musical art forms. Accentuating Its Roots from Mother Africa which has evolved and developed Global Fruits.
Philippe Crettien (France and Tunisia)
Philippe Crettien born in the South of France, son of French diplomats grew up mostly in North Africa, USA and England. Raised in a musical family was exposed at a young age to an eclectic styles of music.
Flora Purim (Brazil)
Arturo Sandoval (Cuba)
Berkshires Jazz (USA)
The Pittsfield CityJazz Festival was formed in 2005 to present mainstream and traditional jazz in a downtown setting (Pittsfield, MA).
Elan Trotman (Barbados)
Saxophonist Elan Trotman, has quickly become one of jazz’s most thrilling and emotive performers as he continues to stand out and push boundaries as a composer, performer, teacher, and recording artist.
New Black Eagle Jazz Band (USA)
Since 1971 the New Black Eagle Jazz Band has toured the world performing traditional New Orleans style Jazz with a light eclectic blend of music from the earliest Dixieland to the beginning of the 1930’s Dance Band era.
Monty Alexander (Jamaica)
Anat Cohen (Israel)
Carlos Odria (Peru)
Peruvian-born guitarist Carlos Odriahas been described as a "breathtakingly talented musician...with an immense technical skill" (Worcester Telegram) and as a "guitar wizard" (Gamble Rogers Fest). His original compositions and arrangements of jazz standards and Latin American tunes deliver an exciting blend of international styles.
Lazslo Gardoni (Hungary)
Angiolo Tarocchi (Italy)
Born 1957, Angiolo Tarocchi is a composer, arranger, conductor, double bass player, producer and educator.
Karl Berger (USA)
Pianist, Vibraphonist, Composer, Conductor and Jazz Educator Dr. Karl Berger is the founder of the Woodstock Creative Music Studio and "Music Mind."
Bill Warfield (Czech Republic & USA)
A dynamic and innovative composer, bandleader and trumpeter, Bill Warfield has energized audiences, performers and writers for more than four decades.
Tyto nahrávky jsou oslavou formativních hudebních zážitků skladatele. Obě skupiny provádějí jazzové výběry na základě žánrů funk, latinského jazzu a hard bopu, všechny uspořádané Warfieldem.