David R. "Dave" Kidd is one of those who fell under the spell of fine music at an early age, and as always happens, has never been able to escape, not that he has tried. He feels that this is an area in which one may find more real pleasure than in almost any other.
Born in Haverhill, Massachusetts, Dave found himself a member of a family which included a wealth of musical talent. Both mother and father were excellent amateur musicians, his older brother still performs professionally as a fine pianist.
Dave believes that all young people first show interest in whatever music is available to them, and strongly feels that the present day low in teenage taste is caused by the fact that the majority of adults fail in their stewardship of culture in caring or knowing themselves, and in passing it on to their youngsters.
Of course, at the beginning of his formative years, Dave was subject to the s ame kinds of simple music that other children were subject to. However, when in his early teens, by happenstance he had the opportunity to hear two of the very greatest large jazz bands of the day, the Fletcher Henderson band, and the Glen Gray Casa Loma band. From this rapidly grew an intense interest in jazz, which led to an interest in knowing more intimately how it was made. Dave subsequently studied reed instruments, mainly the clarinet, from a former Boston Symphony Orchestra clarinetist. The influence of this man led to an introduction and an increasing interest in orchestral music of the concert hall. Dave studied theory and harmony, and held down saxophone chairs in various area bands in Massachusetts from the mid-thirties until he joined the Navy in World War II. During the way, he played in a band on a battleship which included almost all "name" musicians, and was noted in the Pacific for its way with large band instrumental jazz offerings. At war's end, Dave returned, but did not return to the public performance on reed instruments, due to an increasing aversion to the performance of commercial music.
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